Selecting a Design


Today, we met as a group to determine a design/vision for our yo-yo!

We began with a list of ideas that we had brainstormed:

We drew sketches and added pictures for a few of the ideas to help relay what the potential design could be:

Idea generation:

Snapchat hot dog

Pepsi logo

(sketched last week)

Arthur's fist
  • Sleeve could be one part followed by the fist and thumbs making up the other 2 parts

Dark Kermit

Google Chrome Logo

  • Made of 3 components: donut, frosting/sprinkles, plate


  •  The circle and outline could be one component with a pattern, and than the star and the letters would be the other parts; potentially the letters are extruded out and one needle is loose to freely move

Recycling Sign
  • The arrows can be extruded pieces that snap into the back base

Golf Ball

Pugh Chart:

From these ideas, we down-selected to six that we were most excited about. Then, we refined our ideas and did a Pugh chart to select our first and second choice ideas.

The donut was a clear winner, with the recycling logo and golf ball tying for second. We began exploring what the design of a donut yo-yo would look like! Here is a preliminary CAD model:

Next steps: 

  • Iterate on CAD development and flush out further the different parts of the yo-yo
  • Investigate the different construction methods for the different yo-yo parts
  • Identify the best way for different components to be connected (e.g. snap/press fit)


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