Part Creation

This week our team is working to create one of each part.
At this point we have effectively created the part for the plate, and have reiterated on our thermoformed part as we found that the draw ratio of the frosting was too large.

We are looking to finish all CAD molds and parts by the end of the week as well as the write up due this week.

In terms of our Gantt chart progress, we are behind where we hope to be, however, we hope that this week and next week, heavy workloads will help us to reach our goals.

We realize now that we fell behind the past few weeks machining because of difficulties we came across in CAM, however, we have been able to make a plan that will help us over this past week to catch back up and make sure that we are back on schedule.

One of the key take aways that we learned from this deliverable, was the importance of allocating more time than expected for machining because machining mistakes and errors can cause the process to take longer than expected.

For more information into our current state, please access our report write-up at the following link:

A special point from this week was our ability to quickly iterate and edit our 3D printed part to ensure that our thermoformed part addressed the draw ratio issue that we came across. 

As mentioned above, our first thermoformed part was based off a print that had a draw ratio that was too large, we adjusted our print to account for this, and both iterations of our print (V1 and V2) are located below. 




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